Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Duff Goldman Meets Blue Bunny

I do believe I have found a match made in heaven!

Duff Goldman (Ace of Cakes) teams up with Blue Bunny Ice Cream.   Umm, hello?  Why didn't someone think of this sooner?

I have always adored Duff and was sad to learn that Ace of Cakes was coming to an end. *sniff sniff*  Naturally, I got very excited when I discovered this news.  Who doesn't enjoy cake & ice cream together?  I'm a fan of the Blue Bunny brand and am eager for these new flavors to hit stores.  Hopefully, they will roll them out nationwide and not just select areas.

Of course, now I'm craving ice cream!  That's not good since I'm trying to shed a few pounds.  I guess I'll just drool over the pictures on my computer instead.


  1. i love icecream!!

    Thanks for linking up to Friendly Wednesday! Have a great week!


  2. New follower from Facebook and twitter hop. I am following you on twitter too! Hope you come visit me at http://momsinvent.blogspot.com/

    Ace of Cakes and ice cream yum!
